60 Timeless Office Event Ideas For Unlimited Employee Engagement

Article on Office Event Ideas
Pooja Jena

If you organize corporate parties or are another overworked Human Resource Executive, this article is for you.

Today’s office work culture demands engagement and fun. It’s not just a policy requirement, but also imperative to keep employees motivated.

What drives employees to come to work, results in higher output and revenue. So in a way, to cause this domino effect, corporate events are really important.

It’s not all talk. Engaged employees are 18% more productive and 23% more profitable than non-engaged employees [source: Gallup].

But, you can’t have the same event every week or month. It requires creativity each time and we are here to help you with that.

Here’s a long list of office event ideas so you never have to think for hours to organize one.

1. Escape Room

There’s something about solving puzzles and mysteries together that brings people close.

Putting your employees together in a fun yet stressful situation together makes it a wonderful activity.

And don’t think that you must go for an escape room nearby. You can even go for virtual escape rooms.

2. Scavenger Hunt

This event can be as simple as hiding a pair of scissors and asking your employees to retrieve it.

Or you can spice it up by hiding gift cards with clues.

3. Cooking class

Get in touch with the nearest bakery or hotel management institute. Ask them if they’re available to give a cooking class.

Cooking class as an office event
Credits: Viator

This way, the employees get to learn a new skill. And those who aren’t too interested get to eat delicious outcomes of the class.

4. Movie Screening Office Event Ideas

Ask your employees what they do to unwind after long hours of work. I’m sure many will say that they watch movies or some series.

Office event ideas: movie screening
Credits: Flyspaces

So, why not bring it to them? Here’s a list of movies that most people will like.

5. Notebook/card-making Workshop

Here’s a workshop idea where you won’t need to hire an external resource person.

Learn notebook/card-making online and provide employees with a fun creative experience.

Another great idea here would be to turn waste papers into notebooks. Offices generate a lot of paper waste in the form of one-sided printouts, so this would be a great way to flip it!

6. Food Festival

You’d be surprised to know how simple it is to recreate a mini-food festival with the help of local vendors.

Small vendors, home bakers, and caterers are in abundance here. You can create a wonderful buffet-style or live-cooking food festival for your employees to enjoy.

9. Silent Disco

Do you have a co-working space or an office with too many rules against loud music?

Worry not, you can still give employees a disco experience on office grounds.

Office event ideas: silent disco
Credits: Times of India

You need lots of headphones tuned into a common channel so people enjoy the same music together.

8. Family Office Event Ideas

Work-life balance is something every employee desires.

And a big part of that “life” is family. So dedicate a day to bringing the two together.

Create an event to which the whole family is invited. It could be a simple buffet or an award show.

It could also be as simple as “bring-your-family” to office day.

9. New Cuisine Day

Want to spice up a regular company dinner?

Here’s a simple way, choose a cuisine!

For example, you could be having “Ethiopian Day” or “Lebanese Day” and taking your employees out to feast on that cuisine.

10. Picnic

The best office event ideas come from what we used to enjoy as a child.

Picnic as office event ideas
Credits: Small Business Trends

So, here’s another one of those. Pack sandwiches and juices and take your employees out in the sun.

Enjoy a good picnic with no work conversations.

11. Office Olympics

Friendly competition never hurts. So, have this event with fun games like basketball matches, racing, shooting, or any other sports facility in the vicinity.

Make sure you have a first-aid kit for safety measures.

12. Award Show

This is one of those office event ideas that shoots two birds with one stone. It is a way to appreciate your employees and have a fun event all at once.

We recommend hiring an emcee to make the event engaging.

13. Decorate The Office Day

Here’s a crafty way to engage your employees inside the office premises.

You will need to go shopping for craft supplies. Chart paper, scissors, staples, glue, magazines, origami, and markers must be there.

Then, give your employees the creative freedom to decorate the office in any way they’d like.

Go for temporary decor especially if it’s a rented space.

14. Talent Show Open Mic

Let the employees have the center stage and showcase whatever talent they may hold.

It can be anything, from dancing to poetry. You let them be what they would’ve been if they weren’t in the corporate world.

15. Go for Tastings

Don’t want to go for a regular old meal.

Office event ideas: Go for tastings
Credits: The New York Times

Worry not! Find which part of your city offers any of these tastings:

  • Wine
  • Chocolate
  • Beer
  • Cheese

And anything else that’s out of the box!

16. Group Workout

In the corporate world, fitness is the first thing with which people struggle.

So, give your employees a group workout experience.

We highly recommend a Zumba session because that’s something most people will enjoy.

However, for safety reasons, make sure none of the employees have pre-existing illnesses that could pose danger.

17. Murder Mystery

Sign up for the nearest murder mystery game!

And fret not, there are digital versions to this too. You can even purchase a murder mystery game.

18. Swap Department

This is one of the more low-effort office event ideas. It requires you to swap one or more team members from each department.

For example, a person from the HR team goes to the finance team for a few hours and vice versa.

This will help your employees understand the struggles of other departments while also getting to know them better.

19. Bring Your Pet To The Office Day

Seeing your pet’s sad reaction every time you leave for work isn’t a great site.

Bring your pets to office: office event ideas
Credits: Deccan Chronicle

So, let’s change that. This event will require your employees to bring their furry friends to the office (as long as they’re friendly pets).

Those who don’t have pets, still have a good time playing with others’ pets.

20. Volunteering Office Event Ideas

This event can have multiple causes behind it. You can partner up with NGOs nearby for any of the following:

  • Feeding the underprivileged
  • Cleanliness drive
  • Clothes distribution drive
  • Service at an old age home

21. Haunted Place Tour

This one will make the adventurous ones in the office really excited.

Take them to a haunted spot in the city or the suburbs followed by a team dinner.

22. Amusement Park

Take them for fun rides at the nearest amusement park.

You may want to contact the amusement park in advance.

They usually offer special discounts for large groups.

23. Theatre Performances

When the other office event ideas start seeming a little too repetitive, look here.

Theatre performances aren’t something people go for usually, especially in India.

So, this will make for a refreshing experience.

24. Speed Dating

If your office has a large crowd, this event would be fun to execute. You need to arrange the chairs parallelly.

Make random pairs sit in front of one another and one row gets to move to the left chair every two minutes.

This may or may not bloom into a new office romance.

But, those two minutes of conversation will definitely help people get to know each other better.

25. Educational Office Event Ideas

Hire a professional in the niche to host a masterclass and teach your employees a new skill.

̛It can also be a life skill or communication skill to break the monotony of working all the time.

For example, host a session on soft-skills or personal finance.

26. Bingo

Now, this is a game we’ve played a lot in school. You can make it even more fun in the office by including a lucrative prize.

27. Orchard Office Event Ideas

Bring your employees closer to nature with this. Take them to a farm or an orchard.

Do look at the activities they offer. Simple activities like fruit picking and even experiencing farm life would make for a great office event.

28. Spiritual Office Event Ideas

Ask the employees to come in comfortable stretchy clothes. Then, organize a group yoga session!

Yoga as an office event ideas
Credits: Trend Hunter

29. Spa day

If it’s a small team going for the office event, you could take them on this relaxing retreat. Let them have a spa experience.

30. Casino

Recreate a casino experience with card games and roulette.

Casino office event
Credits: Eventricate

31. Live Music

Invite an indie band to perform at your event. Make it the star of the show alongside great food.

32. Mixology Class

This is the most fun workshop idea out of all the ones we’ve put on the list.

Office event ideas: mixology class
Credits: CMUSE

Through this, not only will the employees learn how to make delicious cocktails but also get to taste the end product.

33. Standup Comedy

If there’s anything that’s going to make you forget the work blues, it’s a good comedy act.

And there are many up-and-coming comedians who would love a gig.

34. Sushi Making Class

This globally loved dish has one too many variants. It also requires skillful preparation. Your employees will learn the art and also taste this delicacy once it’s done.

35. Plantation Drive

You could be having an office outing and helping the earth with this idea. You may collaborate with an NGO to ease the process.

Else, you need lots of saplings and an empty plot of land.

Peepal and neem make for excellent plants for such plantation drives.

36. Fashion Show

Ask your employees to turn up in their fanciest prettiest clothes. Then, the ones who flaunt it the best in the ramp walk, take home goodies.

37. Hypnosis

Here’s a fun idea your employees won’t be expecting. For this, you’ll need a trained hypnotherapist to provide a surreal experience.

Office event ideas: invite a hypnotherapist
Credits: Matrrix

And fret not. Contrary to popular belief, it is not dangerous at all. It is in fact, a meditative state that most people feel relaxed after.

38. Chess Tournament

If the people in the office aren’t fans of going out or exercising, here’s an indoor sport you can pick.

This challenging game event is easy to execute and definitely a good break from work.

39. Rescue Animals

If bringing pets to the office isn’t an option, why not go to the pets directly?

But these pets won’t be the well-groomed ones but the ones who need you the most.

Get your employees to work at the nearest animal shelter.

We’re sure those shelters would love an extra set of helping hands.

40. Funny awards

Most offices have award shows as events. But, we are proposing an award ceremony with a twist.

Try these funny awards instead:

  • Chatterbox of the office
  • Spendthrift
  • Snorlax
  • Barbie
  • Office Romeo
  • Grammer Nazi
  • Office Ambani

41. Painting Office Event Ideas

Yes, painting activities are common across offices. But, we take it up a notch with this idea.

Get your employees to paint on walls instead. You can go for spray paint or temporary wall paints, whichever is possible.

42. Photobooth

Host a photo contest in the office. You can have a photo booth that’s well-branded with your company logo and colors.

One who takes the most creative photos or gets the most social media traction wins!

43. Tattoo Event

No, this event doesn’t need to leave lifelong marks on your employees. Instead, you can have temporary tattoo artists or even henna artists over.

44. Caricature Event

This fun event idea would require a professional caricaturist to teach an easy-to-apply skill.

For a small team, you could also get personalized caricatures for your employees to take home.

45. Races

Do you remember the fun races from your childhood?

  • Hoola hoop pass race
  • Egg and spoon race
  • Relay race
  • Three-legged race
  • Balloon race

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t include them in your office events.

46. Auction

Giveaway trips and retreats at the lowest prices. You could do the same with appliances and gadgets as per the budget.

47. 12D movie

Here’s one of the more experiential office event ideas. Give them a 12D movie experience where they can experience movies in a whole new way.

Office event ideas: 12D movie screening
Credits: Viator

48. Price Is Right

If auctioning is not an option, make your employees guess the prices of items you’re offering.

Those who guess it right get to take that item home.

49. Wheel of Fortune

Design a fun office fortune wheel that everybody gets a spin at. With a few hits and misses, do include attractive incentives like gadgets or even paid leaves.

50. Cycling

Choose a pleasant day for this activity and take your colleagues out on a city tour on bicycles.

If possible, go for electric bikes to reduce the strain on your employees, making it a more enjoyable experience.

51. Innovative Office Event Ideas

This is a simple activity where you ask each employee to save a falling egg in the most innovative way. Remember that they can only use office supplies and what’s available near them.

The most creative way wins!

52. Truth and Dare

This one’s a classic from our teenage days, isn’t it? Have a good old-fashioned round of truth and dare.

53. Walking Trail

There are lots of natural trails, biodiversity parks, and reserves around the city. You could organize a walk here.

Alternatively, you could have a guided tour of one of the monuments.

54. Advertisement Activity

In this fun activity, everyone gets to put their marketing hats on.

Ask them to design an ad for your company or a fictional product.

Make them come up with catchy slogans and jingles if not a full-fledged act.

55. Charity Sale

Now, time to put on the sales boots. Get your employees to sell bakery goods or handmade items with a profit margin.

Donate the profits made to an NGO or charity.

56. Themed Costume Day

Why should we only leave the costumes for Halloween?

Pick a theme like Disney or Bollywood and get everyone to show up in that costume.

The best costume takes home a prize, rest get to take memorable pictures.

57. Potluck

This is one of those office ideas where everyone subtly gets to show off their cooking skills and culture.

Office potluck
Credits: Slurrp

Everyone must bring their favorite dish to the office and everyone gets to share.

58. Airbnb Frat Party

Bring back the good old college days with this office event idea. Book a comfortable property and have a house party.

59. Bonfire

If we think of office event ideas for winter, this comes to our minds first. It gets even better if you have marshmallows and hot chocolate to go with it.

You can also turn it into a camping event if you have the setup and are in a safe location.

60. Mimicry

We all have quirky traits. Ask the employees to act out these traits of other employees and make the rest guess who it is.

And with that, we come to the end of this long list of office event ideas.

If you ever run out, we will give you more. Additionally, if you have something in mind, do comment below.

We also have a guide to help you manage virtual events for your office. So do head there next! It might help you organize your virtual office events better.

Lastly, you should definitely sign up for the newsletter below to keep getting event advice in one email every week.



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